FabLab Safety

All can be found in BlackBoard.

Emergency Procedures

Numbers to call in the event of emergency:

  • For Ambulance/SCDF call 995

  • For Police call 999

  • For all emergencies & incident reporting call SP Emergency hotline 6772-1234

  • SP Emergency hotline 6772-1234

  • School's general office , 67721206 or 67721234 if treatment to injury is required


Precise information to be given:

  • Name of caller
  • Location of incident
  • Nature of incident



  • Long hair must be tied up
  • Keep adornment properly
  • No loose items allowed (Hanging necklace)
  • T-shirt, No loose attire, No long sleeve
  • Hands must be free of adornment
  • Long pant
  • Covered shoes

Safety Icons




